New city and a little something

I am a happy bunny! It's weird but I have not felt this way in while. Yours truly spent a part of last week in Birmingham on business (lol, I feel rather cheeky saying that but it is true) I was in a lovely hotel in the city centre, and it got me thinking, here I am in this room, this double bed going to waste, no action. No 6'3' Adonis to make it beautiful for me. I have to do more of that this coming week, I will be working in Birmingham from Monday through Friday, it's nice to get outta London, I love the city but new things can be inspiring. I wrote this little piece some time ago and I am feeling rather generous right now, so I'll share.

The truth from ?

The lies come

Frequently and seldom leave

I am not one of many,

Not even one a few

No clues

Or a seven page manual

On how to - deconstruct me

But you,

So keen to test the waters

Glass in hand

Ready to drink at the confluence of my

Blood sweat and tears.

Come again.


Myne said...

The poem is very cryptic, but I think I see a haunting message.

Enjoy your life girl and have a great week. Don't forget to vote on my blog.

Anonymous said...

ha ha 6'3".that is the magic number dear.
i loved the poem,cos it has a lot of underlying meaning to it.

chayomao said...

High on life!

who says u cant be happy.


Sugarking said...

Abeg do something about the hotel level o! no dulling!

Anonymous said...

@SugarKing, believe me, I am trying but the city has suffers from melanin deficiency.


Original Mgbeke said...

I like business travel and enjoy sleeping on hotel beds so rock am well my sister.

Very interesting poem.

m1ke said...

at the confluence. like how that sounds. hmmm. nice post

Myne said...

When is the next update?

L-VII said...


Nice Anon said...

Next update?

It is nice to travel and sleep in hotels o! Enjoy it well well now.